I had the privilege of speaking for ten minutes at the Entrepreneurs for Sustainability Biomimicry session last night. I presented along with a representative from MOEN who delivered the thinking behind their bio-inspired showerhead and a doctor from Case Western Reserve University. She presented information on bandages and other coverings that can remove moisture and deliver medication. It was bio-inspired by the human skeletal system's ability to take in and distribute out nourishment and liquids through bone loading (how did I do?).
I presented biomimicry as used in the process of strategic planning. This is based on my past 11 years conducting strategic planning events, new product development and learning development sessions. Obviously, not as heady as the Fibonacci sequence or Bone Loading, but three is a charm (and also part of the Fibonacci sequence) and if I was able to merely round out the numbers that will suffice.
The Process
The sessions make use of group decision-making and parallel work. Somewhere between twelve and one hundred people make for a healthy session. Thirty to sixty seem to be the sweet spot in my opinion and falls in line with the Wisdom of Crowds thinking – groups think more accurately than individuals. The process for facilitating this work covers two to three days and steps through a creative process that takes the group from concept to reality.
When we solve a problem we go through a number of iterations of thought and actions. I have labeled them as:
- Inspiration – something new or some thing old experienced in a new way that reveals elements that can contribute to a solution.
- Imagination – the combining of elements, new and old, into all or part of a new solution.
- Evaluation – testing a solution or set of options against external realities.
- Engineer to execute – creating the plan and team to implement.
Natural Systems
Crafting a healthy solution to an issue or problem requires that the group acquire new information as a group. The study of natural systems, though at first seems a bit weird, provides a sound base to a group as natural systems (bee hives, ant colonies, geese flocks, the rain forest, tide pools, swamps, rivers, etc.) provide
- A time-tested, sustainable model
- A model that stresses effectiveness and efficiency
- A model that is lean and mean
- A cooperative model
And nature’s only care is that it works.
Using Natural Systems in the Group
In the spirit of parallel work, a number of natural systems can be studied (books, articles, video, field trip) by small groups, discussed and synthesized to share with the large group in the form of standing presentations. The elements that emerge become critical success factors to the design of the solution.
And there’s more
Work of this nature brings people together into teaming in a healthy, non-hierarchical way.
- Natural systems familiarity is not based level in the organization. In fact, most people don’t have this knowledge.
- Everyone learning something for the first time leave no one at an advantage which encourages genuine, authentic relations – not those based on authority or expertise.
- The study of the unfamiliar allows groups to discuss helpful ways to create change objectively.
- We too are natural systems and possess the same hardwiring as do all natural systems making it easy to fit into our way of doing things.
The following links direct you to two authors I have found to be very insightful into the thinking and application of natural systems.
Kevin Kelly
Maragaret Wheately
If you are interested in more information about biomimicry please visit The Biomimicry Institute and The Biomimicry Guild.
This information on Natural Systems is very helpful for my thesis (implementing Biomimicry into the graphic design process from start to finish, with focus on package design)...thanks!
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