To avoid being preachy, I have decided to direct today’s post to myself. You may direct it to yourself if you choose, but my humility prohibits me from prescribing my questions to you.
Am I humble? Do I embrace humility? I will establish, for the sake of this post, the definition of humility.
I have taken the definition of humility from the often criticized, but more often relied upon Wikipedia website:
The term "humility" is derived from the word "humilis", which is translated not only as humble but also alternatively as "low", or "from the earth". Humility is defined as, "A quality by which a person considering his own defects has a humble opinion of himself and willingly submits himself to God and to others for God's sake ". Humility comprises the following behaviors and attitudes:
- submission to God and legitimate authority;
- recognition of the virtues and talents that others possess, particularly those which surpass one's own, and giving due honor and, when required, obeisance;
- recognition of the limits of one's talents, ability, or authority; and, not reaching for that which is beyond one's grasp.
Given the list above, I ask myself:
- Do I submit to God?
- Do I submit to legitimate authority?
- Do I recognize the virtues and talents of others, especially those who are more advanced than I?
- Do I give due honor?
- Do I obey their decisions, direction and conclusions?
- Do I recognize my strengths and limitations?
- Do I know my circle of authority and when I am outside that circle?
1. Do I submit to God?
I would like to offer a resounding “yes”, but for fear of getting hit by lightning or kicking off the first firestorm ever to hit Northeast Ohio, or the entire earth for that matter, I would have to say sometimes “yes” and sometimes “no” through ignorance - conscious and otherwise.
Suffice it to say this is totally a personal matter and if you select to not answer this one, you can say you were humble enough not to tackle this question.
2. Do I submit to legitimate authority?
Tough one. There are so many authorities it is hard to know which is legitimate or not. I don’t run from the police when they are following me with flashing lights while I am driving my car, nor do I argue their observation that I was perhaps going over the speed limit. But do I always listen to my doctor even though I recognize his or her authority? Maybe carrying a gun has something to do with it. And do I sometime listen to questionable authority based on fame or popularity? Have you ever heard of Dr. Phil?
- Do I recognize the virtues and talents of others, especially those who are more advanced than I?
Oh sure! And may I have another? Somehow, my ego has the relentless ability to find something I am better at. “Sure he is a world famous physicist, but do his kid’s think he’s great?”… “Oh, and he was voted Dad of the Year by the Council of Galactic Affairs?” Alright, but no one is perfect…
- Do I give due honor?
What will it get me? A promotion? More work? And by the way, aren’t there enough people fawning over her or him?
- Do I obey their decisions, direction and conclusions?
See #2
- Do I recognize my strengths and limitations?
Yes. They have many limitations and the strength of family ties and slimy suck up tactics. Oh, MY strengths and limitations – why Yes! I am honest, sensitive to others needs, caring (my great grandmother thought I would be the priest in the family), giving, and thoroughly egoless. I am also humorous and never hold a person and their capabilities in judgment – including me and my own capability to conduct an honest self appraisal! My weaknesses are minimal, but constantly magnified by poor managers, colleagues and clients.
- Do I know my circle of authority and when I am outside that circle?
My circle would be bigger if it wasn’t a case of tons of responsibility and no authority!
So, how did I do?
I soon realized, somewhere around the third question, I had run out of sunshine to pipe and had to reference my darker side to answer the questions. The conclusion of this exercise for me is that I firmly believe in humility as a principle…to be practiced by others (kidding). But perhaps more true is for a multitude of reasons; I am further from humble in reality than I am in concept. Well, if you can’t do it, write about it (kidding again)! Actually I am hoping that my study will be a positive influence. Do they give prizes for the most humble?
Did you answer any of the questions? How did you do? Did any surprise you? I welcome your comments.
So how did you do? What other questions would you ask? I welcome your comments.